Cookie policy

BOAD uses cookies on its website

About Cookies

What is a « cookie »?


A cookie is a small text file that can be sent to your browser when you visit a website. This cookie is used to collect data, in particular personal data. We use various cookies on the site to improve our services and the interactivity of the site.

List of cookies and purposes


a) Cookies necessary for the site to function


These cookies enable the site to function optimally. You can object to them and remove them using your browser settings, however your user experience may be degraded and some of our services inaccessible.


Cookie Purpose Shelf life
Cookiebot : CookieConsent Stores the user’s permission to use cookies for the current domain 1 year : Consent Used to detect whether the visitor has accepted the marketing category in the cookie banner. This cookie is necessary for the website’s compliance with the RGPD. 2 years : Consent Used to detect whether the visitor has accepted the marketing category in the cookie banner. This cookie is necessary for the website’s compliance with the RGPD. 2 years


b) Third-party cookies to enhance the user experience

These cookies enable us to improve the user experience by analyzing our traffic and offering third-party services.


Cookie Purpose Shelf life : _icl_current_language Saves the user’s preferred language on the site. 1 day
Google : _ga Stores a unique identifier used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the site. 1 day
Google : _gid Stores a unique identifier used to generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the site. 1 day
Google : collect Used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor’s device and behavior. Follows the surfer across devices and marketing channels. Keeps data for the duration of the session

c) Advertising cookies

These cookies enable us to track visitors through the website. The aim is to display ads that are relevant and interesting to the individual user, and therefore more valuable to third-party publishers and advertisers.

Cookie Purpose Shelf life
Youtube : VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE Attempts to estimate user bandwidth on pages with embedded YouTube videos 179 day
Youtube : YCS Stores a unique identifier to keep statistics on YouTube videos viewed by the user Keeps data for the duration of the session
Youtube : yt.innertube::nextId Stores a unique identifier to keep statistics on YouTube videos viewed by the user 13 months
Youtube : yt.innertube::requests Stores a unique identifier to keep statistics on YouTube videos viewed by the user. 13 months
Youtube : ytidb :LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEY Stores the user’s video playback preferences for embedded YouTube videos 13 months
Youtube : yt-remote-cast-available Stores the user’s video playback preferences for embedded YouTube videos Keeps data for the duration of the session
Youtube : yt-remote-cast-installed Stores the user’s video playback preferences for embedded YouTube videos Keeps data for the duration of the session
Youtube : yt-remote-connected-devices Stores the user’s video playback preferences for embedded YouTube videos 13 months
Youtube : yt-remote-device-id Stores the user’s video playback preferences for embedded YouTube videos 13 months
Youtube: yt-remote-fast-check-period Stores the user’s video playback preferences for embedded YouTube videos Keeps data for the duration of the session
Youtube : yt-remote-session-app Stores the user’s video playback preferences for embedded YouTube videos Keeps data for the duration of the session
Youtube : yt-remote-session-name Stores the user’s video playback preferences for embedded YouTube videos Keeps data for the duration of the session

Basis of cookie collection

The placement and collection of cookies is essentially based on your consent. You must therefore be able to express and modify at any time and free of charge.

Deposit process and consent

When you first visit the site, a banner informs you of the presence of these cookies and allows you to accept, refuse or choose from a list if you accept the deposit of these cookies. Cookies will only be deposited if you accept them.

You can access the cookie management panel to modify your choice at any time via the widget in the bottom left-hand corner of your browser.

If you refuse to accept cookies on your terminal, or if you delete the cookies stored on your terminal, you will no longer be able to benefit from the functionalities of our Site.

Where applicable, we decline all responsibility for the consequences linked to the degraded operation of our services resulting from the impossibility for us to record or consult the cookies necessary for their operation and which you would have refused or deleted.