Our products and services

Direct short-, medium- and long-term loans

Beneficiary: Any legal entity from the UEMOA zone or from abroad wishing to invest in this zone.

Purpose: Any financing of operations for the production or distribution of goods and services to WAEMU nationals.

Operating conditions :

  • Project location in a WAEMU member state
  • Formal legal existence of the project management company
  • Private management with commercial accounting
  • Organization and operation in compliance with the relevant regulations,
  • Involvement of a local bank in financing the project.

Areas of expertise :

  • Industry
  • Transport
  • Mines
  • Agro-industry
  • Energy

Collateral and guarantees: Any guarantee deemed acceptable following due diligence on the ground to understand the contours of the transaction, with the implementation of a mechanism to secure the flows linked to the transaction.

Documents to be provided :

  • Formal request for financing (letter signed by the authorized person) indicating the amount, conditions (rate, term, etc.) and form of intervention desired (cash credit, commitment by signature, etc.), the guarantees proposed and, where applicable, the names of local banks contributing to the financing of the operation.
  • Detailed presentation of the operation (target market, technical and sales organization),
  • Presentation of the company’s business, financial position, organization and management (last three annual reports, certified financial statements and statutory auditors’ reports; articles of association and other legal texts),
  • Financial projections (operating accounts for the operation, management company’s cash flow forecast over the financing period).

Financing arrangements

Arranging financing is a form of financial intermediation involving the provision of services on behalf of third parties (the State and its constituent parts, private companies, etc.) aimed at mobilizing resources to finance an investment project or any other eligible operation.

Beneficiaries: WAEMU member states and any legal entity (including the commercial public sector), whether a national of a WAEMU member state or a non-resident, operating in at least one of the WAEMU member states and wishing to invest in sectors eligible for Bank financing.

Purpose and justification:

  • Intensify/diversify the BOAD’s areas of intervention in favor of the private and public sectors by raising funds from the financial system of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA);
  • Seek solutions to financing problems in order to offer promoters innovative financial packages;
  • Removing constraints on commercial sector financing and promoting sustainable development infrastructures in EU countries;
  • Serve as a catalyst for financing, thanks to the quality of its signature, its expertise and its network of partner institutions.

Special conditions: the financing of the operations selected must not undermine the objectives of sustainable development and environmental protection unless measures are provided for in the project and the related costs taken into account.

Operating conditions :

  • industry,
  • transport,
  • infrastructure (port, airport, railroads, roads),
  • mines,
  • agribusiness,
  • fishing, livestock farming,
  • tourism/hospitality,
  • telecommunications / technologies,
  • energy,
  • real estate

Documents to be provided :

  • Request for fundraising,
  • Business plan or detailed project feasibility study covering justification, market, organization and management, technical and financial aspects with detailed financial and possibly economic forecasts,
  • Environmental and social impact assessment of the project;
    If a company: activity reports and certified financial statements for at least the last 3 fiscal years (if available);
  • Technical and financial references of the technical, financial or commercial partner, if applicable;
  • Articles of association and other legal texts, as well as any other relevant documents or information on the project to be financed.
  • Building and public works, etc.

Avantages :

  • Mobilize substantial financing with a limited number of partners, with BOAD taking charge of structuring the operation under acceptable credit market conditions and federating several financial partners;
  • Benefit from the Bank’s expertise and experience in financing national and sub-regional development projects;
  • Syndicated financing is a particularly attractive means of communication for the financial community, since it sends out a signal of trust, support and risk-sharing among financial partners.

Warranty products

Description Bond guarantee, interbank loan guarantee, negotiable debt security guarantee (commercial paper, certificates of deposit….).

Beneficiaries Any legal entity from the UEMOA zone or from abroad wishing to invest in productive operations in the UEMOA zone and which has recourse to the financial market for a loan. PURPOSE To make the financial market a genuine instrument for mobilizing financing for economies and promoting regional integration.

Intervention conditions The warranty is issued as part of : i) bond issues on the WAEMU financial market in accordance with the requirements of the Conseil Régional de l’Epargne Publique et des Marchés Financiers (CREPMF) and ; ii) issues of negotiable debt securities on the money market in accordance with the regulations of the Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO). It can also be given to WAEMU banks and financial institutions to facilitate interbank lending within the Union.

Areas of intervention : Guaranteed loans must fall within the Bank’s eligible areas of activity: industry, transport, infrastructure (port, airport, railroads, roads), mining, agriculture, agribusiness, fishing, livestock, tourism/hospitality, telecommunications/technology, energy, real estate, public buildings and works and other service companies.

Duration :

2 to 10 years for bond guarantees and 6 months to 7 years for interbank loan guarantees and negotiable debt securities.

Documents to be provided :

  • A letter formally requesting a guarantee, indicating the amount and conditions required;
  • Information memorandum on the transaction, presenting in particular its purpose, the organization and management of the issuer, its financial position, if applicable over the last three (03) financial years (on the basis of certified financial statements and related Statutory Auditors’ reports) and its financial outlook;
  • Authorization of the issue by the issuer’s decision-making bodies (Board of Directors and/or Annual General Meeting);
  • The issuer’s bylaws and other legal texts, as well as any other documents or information deemed useful.

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