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Integrating and sustainably transforming West Africa

by guaranteeing equitable access to clean energy.



La BOAD croit en vous, vous qui êtes au cœur de sa mission


Depuis 1973, nous accompagnons les États et acteurs locaux de l’UEMOA pour concrétiser leurs priorités en matière d’éducation de qualité, d’accès aux soins de santé, d’accès à une énergie durable et renouvelable, de mise en place d’une agriculture résiliente, d’accompagnement face aux enjeux climatiques et de sécurité alimentaire.


Nous mobilisons nos expertises techniques et financières pour bâtir chacun de vos rêves afin de faire de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, le territoire de vos aspirations, une terre d’avenir, votre terre de prospérité, pour une vie meilleure et durable.


Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement, Créateurs d’Avenir !


All our news and events


The West African Development Bank (BOAD) and Africa Specialty Risks join forces to explore Captive Insurance Solutions for West Africa

Our latest approved projects

BOAD is proud to announce its latest commitments. From the development of modern infrastructure to the promotion of education and health, BOAD is resolutely committed to supporting economic growth and improving the region’s well-being. Explore these innovative projects that embody our vision of a prosperous and inclusive West Africa.

TERANGAZ SA's project to build an LPG storage and filling terminal at the port of Bargny Sendou in Senegal

7000 M FCFA

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Project for the construction and operation of a 52 MWp photovoltaic solar power plant in Sokhoro, Côte d'Ivoire, by FERKE SOLAR SA

15 500 M FCFA

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Second phase of the Agri-Food Processing Project in the Republic of Togo

30 000 M FCFA

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  • 270 171
    jobs created
  • 73 025
    students enrolled
  • 1 046
    boreholes built or rehabilitated
  • 41 248 MW
    of additional energy supplied to the population
  • 100 861 ha

What is Djoliba ?

BOAD President

Djoliba, the link
between the peoples
of West Africa,
and a nerve center
of this developing economy

Serge Ekue
Chairman of the
West African Development Bank

Djoliba is the BOAD's strategic plan for 2021-2025, with one key objective: to become the benchmark bank for sustainable impact on the integration and transformation of West Africa.

  • Regional integration is the basis for the creation of BOAD
  • Creating value and productive jobs in support of governments and the private sector
  • Strengthening resilience to climate change

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Certifications and accreditations

Logo GEF

Global Environment Facility (GEF)

Logo FA

Adaptation Fund

Logo ICA

Green Climate Fund


BOAD is ISO 27001 certified

Specialized units

Lomé Regional Collaboration Center

The Lomé Regional Collaboration Center (CRC-Lomé) is the fruit of harmonious collaboration between the UNFCCC Secretariat and BOAD. Created in 2013, it is the first of the 6 CRCs that exist today and covers 26 countries in French-speaking West and Central Africa. Initially set up to promote the opportunities and benefits offered by the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) under the Kyoto Protocol, CRC-Lomé has expanded its scope of intervention.

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BOAD Securization

BOAD Titrisation's main mission is to drive the development of securitization in WAEMU countries. The entity is the first company to obtain AMF UMOA approval as a FCTC management company.

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