13 min

The roles of the organs of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU)

The West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) was created on January 10, 1994 in Dakar. The main purpose of the Union is to build an integrated and harmonized economic area, which guarantees member countries the free movement of people, goods and services, capital and factors of production, as well as the effective enjoyment of the right to exercise and establish liberal professions and the right of residence of citizens within their borders. Find out more about UEMOA’s constituent bodies.


Organization chart :


Governing and advisory bodies, as well as autonomous specialized institutions such as BOAD, contribute to achieving the Union’s objectives.



UEMOA management bodies :

The Conference of Heads of State and Government

The supreme body of the Union, the Conference of Heads of State and Government appoints the Presidents and members of the institutions. It meets at least once a year, in ordinary session, and defines the general orientations of WAEMU policy.

The WAEMU Council of Ministers

The Council of Ministers is responsible for implementing the broad guidelines defined by the Conference of Heads of State and Government. It brings together at least twice (2) a year the eight (8) member states of the Union, each represented by two ministers. The Council Presidency, currently held by Togo, rotates every two (2) years in alphabetical order by country.

Mr Sani YAYA – Chairman of the Board

The UEMOA Commission

Composed of 8 Commissioners from the member states, the Commission submits recommendations to the Conference and the Council that are useful for the development of the Union. It draws up an annual general report on the operation and development of WAEMU, and draws up a program of action. It is headquartered in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Mr Abdoulaye DIOP – Chairman of the Commission

UEMOA’s judicial control bodies :

The UEMOA Court of Justice

The mission of the WAEMU Court of Justice is to ensure the interpretation and effective application of Community law in the eight (8) member countries. Composed of a judge from each country, it arbitrates disputes between States or between the Union and its agents. It is also headquartered in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Mr Daniel Amagoin TESSOUGUE – President of the Court of Justice

The WAEMU Court of Auditors

The WAEMU Court of Auditors controls the accounts of the Union’s bodies and the reliability of the budgetary data required for multilateral surveillance. It comprises one (1) Chairman, one (1) General Secretary and three (3) members. It is headquartered in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Mr Malick KAMARA NDIAYE – President of the Court of Auditors

UEMOA’s democratic control body :

The UEMOA Interparliamentary Committee

The Interparliamentary Committee (CIP) is the democratic control body of the WAEMU. It plays an advisory role and leads debates on integration. The CIP receives the Commission’s annual report, produces democratic control reports and issues resolutions. Its head office is in Bamako, Mali.

Mr. Goakun Rossan Noël TOE – CIP President

UEMOA’s specialized institutions :

Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO)

BCEAO is the issuing bank of the UEMOA member countries. It issues the common currency, manages monetary policy, and organizes and supervises banking activity through the Banking Commission, for which it acts as General Secretariat. Finally, it assists member states in concluding and implementing international financial agreements, as well as in defining and monitoring adjustment and debt programs. Its head office is in Dakar, Senegal.

Mr Jean-Claude Kassi BROU – Governor of BCEAO

The West African Development Bank (BOAD)

BOAD is the common development financing body for member states. It aims to promote their balanced development by providing the necessary financing and support for large-scale projects undertaken by public and private sector players. It is headquartered in Lomé, Togo.

Mr Serge EKUE – President of BOAD

UEMOA consultative bodies :

The Regional Consular Chamber (CCR)

The CCR is responsible for involving the private sector in the WAEMU integration process. It advises on matters relating to the achievement of the Union’s objectives. The CCR brings together national consular chambers, employers’ organizations and professional associations from member states. It is headquartered in Lomé, Togo.

Mr Daouda COULIBALY – President of CCR

Labor and Social Dialogue Council (CTDS)

The CTDS aims to ensure the involvement of non-state actors in the WAEMU integration process. It examines all proposals with a social impact within the Union, reinforces tripartite consultation and concertation mechanisms, and promotes social dialogue.

Mr Fransual DIAS – President of the CTDS

The UEMOA Council of Local Authorities

The CCT’s mission is to ensure the contribution of local and regional authorities to the achievement of the Union’s objectives, and to bring together the Union, Member States and local authorities around actions to strengthen social, economic and territorial cohesion.

Mr François Albert AMICHIA – Chairman of the CCT