Energy and natural ressources
18933 FCFA

Project for the construction of a storage sphere for a butane gas filling center in Abidjan by SCCI Gaz SA in Côte d’Ivoire


  • Overall objective:

    Strengthen national storage capacities and improve household access to butane gas in Côte d’Ivoire.

    Specific objectives :

    • Additional storage capacity of 8,000 m3 (4,000T).
    • Filling and marketing 200,000 T of butane gas per year.

of the project

  • BOAD : 9000 M FCFA
  • SGCI : 3000 M FCFA
  • SCCI Gaz SA : 6929 M FCFA

The project involves the construction of a 4,000-ton liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) storage sphere in a concrete sarcophagus, and the supply, installation and operation of a filling center, on the Vridi site in Abidjan by SCCI GAZ SA.

The project is in line with the Djoliba Strategic Plan, which focuses on 1 “strengthening regional integration” (35%), 2 “contributing to the creation of value and productive jobs in support of WAEMU countries and the private sector” (50%) and 3 “strengthening resilience to climate change” (15%).

Main expected results :

  • Contribution to increasing national LPG storage capacity: 4,000 T and filling of 200,000 T per year.
  • Job creation: 200 direct jobs will be created during project implementation; 400 direct jobs will be created during project operation; and more than 146 indirect jobs will be created during both phases.
  • Wealth creation: at least 3,330 M FCFA of indirect and induced added value generated per year; 1,866 M FCFA of direct added value generated by 2026 and 73,832 M FCFA by 2031. At least 90 million FCFA in average annual tax revenues and at least 1,306 million FCFA in direct taxes generated by 2031.

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