Infrastructures and digital economies
30 000 M FCFA

Project to acquire shares in DUBAI PORT WORLD (DPW) DAKAR and strengthen the resources of Société Nouvelle pour le Transit (SNTT) SA

Loan for partial financing of the project to acquire shares in DUBAI PORT WORLD (DPW) DAKAR and to strengthen the resources of Société Nouvelle pour le Transit (SNTT) SA, in the Republic of Senegal.

The purpose of the project is :

  • The acquisition of shares in Dubai Port World (DPW) Dakar SA :
  • The construction of logistics platforms to capture the flow of goods and containers from SNTT’s activities, thus relieving congestion at the Dakar Autonomous Port;
  • Acquisition of handling equipment for infrastructure operations.

Nos autres projets au Senegal

Infrastructures and digital economies

Regional Express Train: Construction of infrastructure and systems for the Diamandio-AIBD section

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Energy and natural ressources

Construction and operation of a 30 MWp photovoltaic solar power plant with a 15 MW/45 MWh storage system in Niakhar, Senegal, by Teranga Niakhar Storage.

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Real estate and social housing

Construction of a hotel and sports complex by sports city diamniadio co SA, Diamniadio, Senegal

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