35 633 M FCFA

Project to build and equip four (04) Lycées d’excellence and one (01) collège for girls with boarding facilities


  • The purpose of the project is to build and equip four (04) high schools for girls with boarding facilities in the towns of Abengourou, Divo, Korhogo and Man, and one (01) high school for girls with boarding facilities in Bouna. The overall aim of the project is to promote excellence by setting up dedicated educational/school infrastructures to increase the enrolment and completion rate of girls at secondary school level. More specifically, the project will provide a high school with a capacity of 25 classrooms for 1,000 students, including 800 boarders, and one (01) middle school with a capacity of 16 classrooms for 640 students, including 400 boarders.

of the project

  • BOAD : 30000 M FCFA
  • State of Ivory Coast : 5633 M FCFA


As part of its contribution to increasing growth and completion rates for girls in secondary school, as well as improving the internal efficiency of the education system, the Ivorian government has initiated a project to build and equip four (04) lycées d’excellence and one (01) collège pour jeunes filles avec internat. These include four lycées d’excellence in the towns of Abengourou, Divo, Korhogo and Man, and one (01) collège d’excellence in Bouna.

BOAD’s support resulted in the signing of a loan agreement for CFA 30 billion.


The total cost of the project, excluding taxes, is estimated at 35,633 million FCFA, financed by BOAD (30,000 million FCFA, i.e. 84.19% of the total cost excluding taxes) and by the State of Côte d’Ivoire (5,633 million FCFA, i.e. 15.81% of the total cost excluding taxes).BOAD’s contribution will be used to partially finance the “Civil Engineering Works” and “Environmental and Social Measures” components; and entirely to finance the “Furniture and Equipment”, “Works Supervision and Control”, “Project Management Coordination”, “Technical and Financial Audit”, “Monitoring and Evaluation” and “Institutional Support” components.


The main development results expected during the implementation and operation of the structures in place are as follows:
In terms of contribution, girls’ school attendance :
4640 girls will have access to quality education, classrooms and school equipment
In terms of job creation:
Around 3,089 direct jobs will be created, including 2,600 during construction and 489 during operation;
457 indirect and induced jobs created.
Wealth creation:
– at least 10,192 m FCFA of indirect and induced added value are generated per year;
At least CFAF 404 million in indirect and induced tax revenues on average per year

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